Fusion – Where Imagination meets Fabrication

Fuse. Match. Ignition.

Fusion Imaging. This is where imagination meets fabrication. A fusion of creativity and possibility. Design, project management, installation, and logistics. There are no more boundaries. Let’s print this.

Case Study

Motion graphics.

Mobile billboards you already own. The only risk is turning heads that should have eyes on the road. But let’s turn some heads.

Case Study

We go the extra mile.
All twenty six point two.

We admit, sprinting the whole NYC Marathon is not a great race strategy but it’s how we do it and always have.


It factor. X factor. Wow factor.

Dare to be ignored. There are times when bigger isn’t only better, it’s the only solution.


A symphony perfectly orchestrated.

Free-standing gets outstanding. We create new space, use every surface, and defy dimension and convention.

Partnerships create our fusion energy.

This is the launch button.